Gameplay is close to a very good game (already I enjoy it very much), but still need some tuning to really shine (cauz there is so much potential). I'm sure you can figure out what, there is so much comments with good ideas, I don't feel like adding anything, except maybe explain some strategies player can use:
-Drop coins on the ground to prevent further loss while attacked. If you drop 1 coin on the ground, small trolls will take it and go away. If you get touched I think you lose 2! And being touched multiple times by the same trolls does hurt quite a bit. As soon as a small troll has a coin, he's not going to hurt you anymore.
-Coins are your health, as long as you have some, you're safe when you get hit. But as soon as you are out of coin, the troll will take your crown instead and it's game over. Try to keep some gold for the night.
-You need to build barriers outside your kingdom for farmers to go farm, and archer to adventure further away (and get more gold that way). Sometimes a barrier upgrade will force farmers out and finish harvesting crops, so the barrier upgrade is free plus you get 2 gold.
-Archers grab and keep coins until you cross them, they'll give it back most of the times. Seems farmers too, but they seem much more greedy, little bastards.
Btw, it would be a good idea to reply to some folks here on NG.. we don't know shit about what you are thinking/planning/whatever. I think your game is liked very much, but you don't seem to give a shit about the community... : / (busy?). Some ppl here have taken their time to write huge reviews, with good ideas, at least reply to the most relevant to you!